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Procurement Services

The Procurement Department is included in all stages of acquisition, from planning to order placement to receiving the purchases. This enables other departments to take full advantage of the Procurement Department’s knowledge and expertise of purchasing techniques. In addition, Procurement ensures compliance with good business and competitive practices required by applicable laws and regulations.


  • Rhino Barn Foam Insulation
    Solicitation # B2025-02-03
    Posting Date: February 25, 2025 at 9:41am EST
    Due: March 18, 2025 at 10:00am EST


Meeting Notice

Procurement Statement

The mission of the Riverbanks Zoo and Garden Procurement Services Department is to foster a transparent and competitive environment for procurement opportunities and to strive to provide opportunities for the participation of all businesses offering goods and services. Procurement Services has the responsibility of ensuring that all goods and services are of the highest quality possible and that they are acquired at fair and competitive prices. The Procurement Services Department is committed to taking an instructive, supportive and interactive role in the daily expenditures of Riverbanks Zoo and Garden.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the payment terms on invoices?

Payments will be made within thirty (30) days after acceptance of completed order/project. Early payment discount, if available, will be calculated from date of acceptance.

What are Riverbanks Zoo and Garden’s bidding procedures?

  • Requesting department submits specifications to Procurement.
  • Procurement emails bid to vendor list and advertises bid on SCBO and the Riverbanks website.
  • Vendor must submit Bidder Schedule with completed prices, Certificate of Familiarity, W-9, and Vendor Application in a sealed envelope.
  • Procurement opens bid and submits copies to end user for review.
  • Statement of Award and Bid Tabulation is issued both in an email to the vendors and listed on our website after department recommendation (7–10 days) which applies only for Invitations to Bid.
  • After approval, a purchase order or contract is issued to vendor.

What are the other purchasing options?

  • Sole Source with Justification: Sole source purchases are goods and services available from only one supplier. There may be just one vendor because of patents or copyrights or simply because the vendor is the only one which supplies the good or service. These purchases are exempt from the standard bidding requirement.
  • RFP (Request for Proposal): The District will request a product or service it needs and solicit proposals from prospective contractors on how they intend to carry out that request, and at what price.
  • RFQ (Request for Qualifications): Professional services are those master planning, planning, environmental, pre-construction and other construction related services associated with the practice of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, interior design, and construction management.


  • Purchases under $2,500.00 are made by a department submitting a purchase requisition that they deem at a fair and reasonable cost.
  • Purchases between $2,500.01 and $5,000.00 require 3 verbal or written telephone quotes prior to being submitted to Procurement.
  • Purchases between $5,000.01 and $25,000.00 require 3 written quotes.
  • Purchases of $25,000.01 and up must follow the competitive sealed bid process.

Does Riverbanks give preference to Lexington/Richland County or South Carolina residents?

The District only gives preference to Lexington/Richland County residents in the case of a tied bid.

What are the District’s minimum insurance requirements?


  • As required by the State of South Carolina.


  • $1,000,000 Single Limit
  • Premises
  • Operations
  • Contractual Liability
  • Independent Contractors
  • Personal Injury
  • Products-Completed Operations


  • $ 100,000 Combined
  • All Owned, Non-Owned, and Hired

Are bid and performance bonds required for all solicitations?

Bid and performance bonds will be necessary if stated in the bid document or on any job that exceeds $50,000.

How can I access bid results and tabulations?

Bid results and tabulations are posted together in the award section of this page above.